Makeover Monday {13.0}

Good morning lovely readers! I hope your weekend was filled with joy, laughter, and something you can positively reflect on throughout this last week of August. My weekend? I experienced watching a movie (the Bourne Legacy) while enjoying dinner for the first time, worked out my legs and backside pretty hard, found some new work clothes, and took a glorious nap on Saturday. I refuse to let anyone take those naps away from me (on the weekends, that is).

I'll be honest. I was just griping to my boyfriend about having to work 10 hours, 4 days this week - - something I'm not used to. Thoughts like, 'how am I possibly going to get through such a long long day?!'...He reminded me to not only be grateful that I found a job...but also to remember the motivation behind working hard. That hard-earned money will be used to provide the clothes for my back, the healthy foods I eat, the memories I will continue to create with my loved ones, and so much more.

So let's not forget that although those days may seem long - - the years are short. Isn't 2012 just flying by already??
But we really don't. Not to get dark or morbid here, but we could be gone tomorrow. Embrace today, everyday. And be sure to put on your sassy pants!
Yes, there are going to be bad days. There will be days when you might feel a little self-conscious about having fun. But, you know what? I think people look their very best when they just don't care, and have a grand ol' time.
Dress it up. Dress sharp. Looking your best makes you feel so good about yourself. Just don't dress up like Batman (wait, I take that whatever you want, just make sure you have fun!)
Sometimes hesitation can be a killer. Don't hesitate to speak out, to take that first step, to stand out. We're not here to blend in, we're here to make the most out of this one lifetime. Jump! Be you!
I love cardigans. Why? Because they can transform any top into a 'business casual' top. This is just one of the things I am grateful for today. Cardigan super powers.
I can't tell you how many times I have thought to myself, 'I want more (insert item)', 'If only I had more (insert trait)...I'd be (insert positive emotion here).' Sorry, folks. I just don't believe it works like that. Be happy for what you have. Train your mind to be happy with what you have, because it can be taken away...anytime.
Don't worry if you don't have the ingredients to make lemonade or lemon cake. Just be happy you got a free bag of lemons! Who doesn't like free stuff? ;)
Isn't that just golden advice? Why must we give 100%? Because if we half-assed everything in life, we're empowering the possibility of regrets. Say no to regrets by putting in your all into everything. Except for blood donations. Please don't donate all of your blood, that's a no-no.
Ah, so much pressure!! I'm not sure if this is only meant to be funny but I also interpret it as working hard to shine like a diamond. It doesn't necessarily mean you always have to be under pressure to shine - - but transform that stress into strength.

Most importantly, YOU got this! Own it. Make this day rock. You're wonderful, beautiful, one-of-a-kind and if anyone says otherwise...


send them over to my blog and over to the Contact me section.

All my images can be found on my Wisdom and Laugh Pinterest boards. 


  1. Now I just need my sassy pants and my batman(woman) costume and I am ready to go. :)

  2. Love this, gave me a chuckle & some much needed inspiration this Monday!

  3. What a fun post! I feel ya on the powers of a cardigan, I wear one nearly every day to 9-5! Thanks for good getting through the day inspiration.


    1. Hey Evani! Thanks for stopping by! Aren't cardigans the best? :) Come by again to say hi!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Diana! It's going very very well. Will be completely moved in by this weekend yay!

  5. Luckily today is over and you just have 3 days left of 10 hour work days :)

  6. It's so true...
    Would you like to follow each other?

  7. Heheh the last one about giving blood made me chuckle. I just spent a ridiculous amount of time figuring out what to wear tomorrow (I have a full on day with about 20 different things on!!), so I really needed this today - I'm glad I left it to be a Tuesday makeover :P Thanks Cathy for being your wonderful self :) Good luck with the work hours - it's hard, but like you say, it's worth it. Have a great week! Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams


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