4 days in a Dream.

I know I've mentioned my trip to Rome with you all before. But I'm pretty sure it was short and sweet (the proof lies in this post) and never shared more fun pictures. To be dead honest with you, sometimes I can't believe my boyfriend and I was there this year. A dream come true. 

Well, guess what. Hop on over to Dreams in a Poppy Field and you can find more pictures and why I love/miss this place so friggin' much. 
P.S. Looking for a lovely place to get lost? Miss Beth will surely take you there on her lovely blog Dreams in a Poppy Field. I promise!


  1. Glad you had fun, me and my own bf made a trip together there ourselves this year, also for 4 days. It was amazing! I loved it every moment of it. I also had 3 different posts showing off some of my pics from there.

  2. I absolutely LOVE Rome!!!!! So jealous you are there!!! Incredible photo! Check us out too :) xx, The Golden Girls www.goldenwhitedecor.com

    1. Isn't it such a magical city? I wish I was there again but just visited the place back in April :) Will do!!

  3. I love Rome. I can just imagine how much fun did you have. So jealous.


    1. I love it too and plan on going back one day! You must visit it sometime! :)

  4. beautiful city :)



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