Makeover Monday {12.0}

Happy new week, friends and new visitors! It was my first weekend off from my first week of full-time employment. Filled with cupcake-making, playing dress up with the little one, quality time with the loves of my life, working out, grocery shopping, reading, and buying a new book (yay!) and even more exciting, preparing for a fun giveaway (details coming soon!), let's just say, I'm ready for the next weekend to come.

Until then, we've got to do our very best to make this week splendid. Amazing. Freakin' fantastic and out of this world, a week like none other before. Why?

Well...why the heck not?

Here we go.
Be the optimist. Find the good things in the bad things. Look at it as a challenge, rather than a downfall. It's good practice.
Remember those not-so-pleasant experiences a few months ago? Years ago? Didn't you learn quite a bit from them? Let's apply that wisdom to this moment. And let those experiences shape you into a better, more intelligent you.
You know what I heard the other day that really stuck with me? "The days are long, but the years are short" (I'm not sure who it was from). I'm training at work today and there's no doubt in my mind I'll have a moment of, 'Ugh, when can I get off of work already?' but need to remind myself that this is IT. This is my life. Embrace it before it flies by.
Oh, Woody Allen. Ever since watching Annie Hall with my boyfriend, I have this new found respect and admiration for this talented individual. Let's take his words of advice and learn how to face the possibility of failure. Failing isn't bad. It's the act of not even trying that's bad. Just my own interpretation of it.
Who wants to have a bad day? No one and definitely not me. So what can we do about it? Lots! Happiness is not obtained from getting a promotion, buying a new car, finding the latest application for your phone...Happiness is from your own heart. Believe you're happy, and you're happy. (Okay, maybe you can get a little happy from buying a new car and all - - but trust me, that happiness is derived from a different place and won't last as long). Choose happiness.
Monday, August 20th, 2012 will never happen again. Ever. So what are you going to do about it? Is it just going to be another day or a day to be remembered? Been planning to start that exercise routine? Now's the time. Contemplating getting back into school? Do it now. Which leads me to one of my favorite questions, "If not now, when??"
Let's focus on the quality relationships we have in our lives. Pour our energies in the direction that deserves it and avoid wasting energy that could care less about it. You have a choice to let whoever you want in your lives. They better be good enough for you. You deserve the best.
Still having a bad day after reading this post? Draw a funny picture of an animal and it's a guaranteed mood lifter.

Didn't do the job?

How about checking out my other Makeover Monday posts?

All inspiring and beautiful images can be found on my Pinterest


  1. Your makeover monday posts definitely lift all my spirits up like nothing else!!! each and every word is so true and so inspiring. I specially loved the part that says 'choose happiness'... Cathy you are one amazing lady :)

    1. Aww Savvy, that's soo wonderful to hear. That's my goal! And you are one amazing lady yourself, don't ever forget that!! Thanks so much for your very sweet comment. Have a beautiful week!

  2. Your Monday's posts are always so inspiring. And I just love that Woody Allen's quote. :)Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you, Ana. I'm so happy that you find it inspiring!! Happy Monday indeed!

  3. Haha, I like the cat drawing. Made me smile :).Good post, Ms. Cathy... Relish every moment because it all goes by so fast! Love u, lady!

    1. Good!! Isn't it so cute? Thanks Ashlee! Time certainly flies by as you get older huh? Love you too friend!

  4. Ahh I love this! Will have to restrain myself from repinning the whole lot.
    Thanks for linking up in the Followers to Friends. Have followed back x
    Sylvia @ Sweet Pea Sylvie xx

    1. Haha thanks Sylvia! Looking forward to keeping in touch!

  5. Kurt Vonnegut is such a wise man...who also happened to write killer books. I wonder if those two are related? XD
    Anyways, great quotes! I enjoyed reading these. :)

    ♥ xixia |

    1. He really is huh? His books are fun to read too! Woody Allen and Kurt vonnegut? Thanks for reading!!

  6. LOVE the quotes. Thanks for that. Feeling inspired! :)

    1. So happy you do! Even more excited that you're feeling inspired :)

  7. Great inspiration! Thanks for sharing! xo

  8. I love these. so uplifting and light, really refreshing.

    I especially love the one "this day will never happen again" really puts things into perspective!

  9. All of these words are so amazing and inspiring. I especially love the Kurt Vonnegut quote, very true. I hope you had a great day! :)



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