I drew a pig today. Why?

Why is it that taking a photo for a work badge - - always comes as a surprise? "Oh hey, while we're here, let's go ahead and take that picture against this stark white board...no big deal." And using photoshop or picmonkey is never an option with these things. Yet, we're stuck with these badges for a pretty long time. I'm just happy I didn't blink AND it was BEFORE I accidentally cut my upper lip and resulted in me hiding in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes - - waiting for the bleeding to go away.

But why did I turn out so orange.. At least I match my bag?
I'm in training for 2 weeks and surprisingly, it's been pretty fun. I'm a geek when it comes to personality tests and anything that involves crayons. Below, you will see the pig that I created. The only instructions I received from my trainer was,

 "Draw a pig."

And, so I did. Although it came out like a fat cat/raccoon/pig/thing...I actually learned more about myself from this Pig Personality Test.

1. Since the pig was located towards the top middle of my page, I am an optimistic/realist.
2. Because my pig was facing the front, I am direct and do not fear confrontation.
3. It was full of details which translates to me being analytical and cautious.
4. Yay for the pig having 4 legs!! I am secure, stubborn, and stick to my ideals.
5. It looks like the pig has little ears - - which can indicate I'm a bad listener...
6. The longer the tail, the higher my satisfaction is with my relations. I'm satisfied! :)
My recent makeup purchase that easily transformed into my Favorite Lipstick now. Revlon Just Bitten Balm Stain in "Rendevous" - - I love the coral pink color! Get it! It stays on all day and is truly a great product.
I've just completed my second day of work and realized I need to do more work clothes shopping. Below are just a few photos that showcase my work fashion. I tend to shy away from lots of prints and stick to the basics.
Photos courtesy of ASOS.

It was a really good day. I got to meet up with my boyfriend for lunch at a restaurant called China Restaurant (I wonder what kind of food they serve, huh?), made more friends at my new job, learned more about myself, dedicated not 10 minutes,

or 20 minutes,

but a full 60 minutes to the gym! My workout today:

30 minutes treadmill,

3 sets of:
15 reps extended leg presses
15 reps hip abductors (outer)
15 reps leg curls (the one where you're facing the floor)
15 reps deadlifts

50 standard crunches
30 lower ab leg lifts
50 standard crunches
20 russian twists

5 minutes stretch

It feels soo good to be committed even when you have a tight schedule. What about you? How do you prioritize your goals when you are working full-time? Do you use any tools like a planner? How do you stay dedicated??

Need a laugh?
Taken from here. 


  1. LOL love the drawing too cute.

    PS. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and would love to follow each other if you like. Hope to hear from you soon.

    <3 Marina

    1. Happy you liked my funky pig! You are so welcome! Absolutely!

  2. OH!!
    love the last outfit,so great
    love the colours

  3. I love the pig drawing. :) Good job. And you look so cute in that photo (even though it is orange).


    1. So happy you do! Thank you! Haha, appreciate your compliment on the badge picture. I was told I look spray tanned lol!

  4. Your pig look so sweet :)
    Merrily Merrily,


  5. Thanks girl! I'm so happy you stopped by and commented. I just checked out your site!

  6. Thanks for supporting my blog! Following back :-)

    N your pig is adorable! Hehe keep up the great work

    <3 http://indefinitestyle.blogspot.com/


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