Let's be honest.

For a few days now, I have been struggling to come up with a new post. A fun post. The type of post that everyone will enjoy, get a kick out of, and hopefully gain some inspiration or motivation. For all you bloggers out there - - maybe you know the feeling, maybe you don't. But there are times when I struggle with the type of things I want to convey to you because it is, after all, the world wide web.

On the other hand, this is my blog. My outlet. Maybe your outlet too. Being fake isn't cool. So here's my attempt at being cool by being real with you:

I was hoping this week was going to look like the picture below:
A motivating, inspirational, type of week - - the kind that sparks epiphanies while taking long showers or the ones encourage new goals. But instead...my facial expression in the picture below more accurately describes my week:
Note: This picture of me making a weird face was actually taken on November 5th, 2012 - - undoubtedly one of the best days of my life. To this day, I still do not know why I was making that face despite how happy I really was...

Back to my week. I was pretty much late everyday to my training class (I swear, it was out of my control...oil spill on freeway, mudspill on freeway, getting lost and refusing to buy a GPS) and am not getting enough sleep. So I kept taking pictures of pretty skies to help make me feel better:
Which, surprisingly, is a great mood booster. As well as stumbling on a random book that made me giggle:
I know, I know. I'm sure 50 Shades of Gray is fantastic but I'm just not jumping onto that bandwagon quite yet. It took me almost a year to read the Twilight series so this best seller will just have to wait. I also came across these cows in the parking lot and found it on my camera:
And realized...gee, being late to work, sometimes being sleep-deprived, and frustrated with the new schedule isn't all that bad. I've got it pretty damn good. I also stumbled upon this picture of my boyfriend's sweet daughter:
Her sweet gesture and smile reminded me that life is simple. And ultra sweet, when you take the time (and discipline!) to ignore the frustrating little things. Here is another picture of strange and beautiful skies in Arizona - - a good picture to illustrate life. Strange and beautiful, complicated yet so simple. 
Lastly, I stumbled upon this recent picture of my boyfriend's sweet girl dressed up as Merida from the Brave movie. I ended up dressing up in a bumble bee costume as well - - and together, we took the trash out - - in costumes. That's how we roll.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...no matter how frustrating it is when a day starts out bad...or if you're feeling unmotivated or exhausted one day...each moment thereafter is an opportunity to be grateful for the things you do have...reflecting on previous happy moments to remind you there's always room for more.

So, let's be honest. We're human. We have bad days. And we have good days. The bad news? Some things are just out of our control. The good news? We always have a choice on how we want to react to it. 


  1. Great post girl! Thanks for sharing. I guess we need to practice on not dwelling on the bad and move forward to find the good things. =)

    1. Thanks Amanda! Dwelling on the bad only gets us into more trouble ;)

  2. Awwww. Your boyfriend's girl is so sweet! We love this post - had us laughing and deep in thought al at once! Thanks so much for sharing your very inspiring life!

    1. She really is. Super sweet girl. I'm so glad you enjoyed it friends!

  3. I needed this so much! Thank you.
    I've been in a similar boat lately. Lack of inspiration or motivation. Everything's been about catching up on uni after being out with the flu for two weeks, and getting to work on time, trying to stay up late to get work done and winding up staring at my screen because really I should've just gone to bed...

    But this helps, and you are right! We always can choose how to react to it. Funnily enough, I've taken about 10 pictures of the sky this week as well to cheer myself up. Looking up helps for some reason :)

    Hope things start to pick up soon! And thanks for all the sweet comments! My Mum has been reading through my blog (as she does, she's wonderful) and she keeps saying how lovely 'this Cathy person' seems :P Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

    1. You are so welcome, Rhi. Yeah it's tough feeling unmotivated because if you're like me, I always want to come up with awesome new ideas but sometimes a break is much needed. I'd love to see your sky pictures too - it really helps, huh?

      They will pick up soon and perhaps continuing to react positively will change that pace. Aww your mom sounds like a sweetheart! Tell her I said hello all the way from America!

  4. You're so right! That's what I remind myself of every day. And it's true, when I move my focus to the things that are working out for me and that I can be grateful for, somehow as if by magic the day goes much better and I feel happy. It's all about getting control our thoughts under control.

    1. Mind over matter, seems to work like magic! We do have control over our thoughts and it's amazing how much things can change from knowing that. Keep up the positivity Anoushka!

  5. Very well said Cathy. Bad days can't be washed out completely out of life. But there are always some good days to dwell upon during those bad days :)

  6. This was a great post, I know the feeling of lack of motivation a bit too well. I like looking at sceneries to help lift my mood when I'm feeling down, something about the beauty gets my spirits up. However, you're right, we choose how we want to react to a certain situation or mood. Even we have the ability to make a bad day feel good.

    1. Yes! Having the ability to transform a bad day into a good day is what makes us all so special. Unfortunately, there are some who don't know how much power they have. I'm so happy you can relate and like the post!

  7. Great post. I just needed little pick me up. :) Little girl is sooooooooooooo adorable. But you should post your picture in a bumble bee costume too.


    1. Thanks Ana! The little one reminds me so much of my boyfriend and the thought of them always cheers me up. Hah!! Maybe another time when I'm feeling more bold so I can post that bee picture...we'll seeee!

  8. I love that you combatted your poor luck with skywatching. It's pretty lucky you were moving slow enough to take pictures.

    I wouldn't too much about having a lack of inspiration...we all feel that sometimes!

    R xx

  9. I recognize the little on from one of your old posts!

    I understand the lack of motivation! But tonight, for some reason I got it, which is why I am going through and reading up on missed posts! Shame on me..

    This was a funny post, I like how you compared the pictures to your feelings, or how you wanted to feel!

  10. I love this post! I definitely needed that pick me up :-) keep writing!!



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