Back to the 9 to 5.

I know that picture below doesn't truly showcase my enthusiasm and excitement about returning to a full-time job. It was early in the morning and let's face it, after leaving my last job in December...then traveling for a good 5 months - - and then the reverse culture shock for a few's a bit of an adjustment. It's difficult for me to sum up the range of emotions I've experienced in the year 2012. But what I can say is that I woke up feeling absolutely thrilled meeting new people, participating in cheesy ice-breakers, and challenging myself in a new environment.
The first day of training was tons of fun. You know the drill - - compliance, security, benefits, missions, values, goals, employee happiness, and much more. I had almost forgotten how many extra wonderful perks you get from being a full-time worker (besides the steady income, of course). For some reason, this train of thought made me think of other things to be grateful for (reflecting on this past week).
My sudden creativity with food. It's amazing what you can do with vegetables, cheese, hummus, and tortillas.

Ingredients: steamed broccoli, chopped roma tomatoes, caramelized onions, jack cheddar cheese, sun-dried tomato hummus, all wrapped up in a low-carb garden vegetable tortilla.

Perfect for a light lunch or dinner!
I'm also grateful for my new bright orange Marc Jacobs purse (note: this is so unlike me to get a bright shoulder bag since I tend to opt for black messenger bags but it was time for a change), Green Tea Lemonade half sweetened at Starbucks, and (drumroll)

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I finally caved in and bought it--haven't stopped reading it since. So intriguing.
I love her. I love him and her. Cake pops from Starbucks makes her happy. And it makes me happy. Remember Ski ball, anyone?
My current smoothie addiction.

Ingredients: Handful of strawberries, a ripe banana, 2 spoonfuls of Smart balance peanut butter, 2 spoonfuls of organic honey, 6-8 oz. of almond milk, and a cup of ice.

Perfect for a post-workout shake. Perfect for a post-anything shake.

How is everyone's week starting out so far? What are you anticipating this week? Thoughts on the closing ceremony for the Olympics?

Don't forget, keep staying positive. Need a little boost? Click here.


  1. Replies
    1. I love it. I'm addicted to's an everyday thing!

  2. Mmmm that smoothie looks epic! I always go for a soy milk, banana, strawberry and steel cut oats smoothie! A scoop of peanut butter like you did sounds goooood! And heck yeah, I remember skee ball! My favorite! Welcome back into the 9-5 life sweetie.. sometimes it sucks but I like how you put a positive sin on it like you always do!

Hope you have a fabulous week!!!

Holly Foxen Wells


    1. Ohh now that combination sounds amazing as well! I wish work had skee ball :P Yeah 9-5 is different but with a little perspective, it can be totally do-able :) Thanks Holly! Hope you have an awesome week too!

  3. Hope you'll settle in smoothly into your new routine!


  4. of course babe <3 i'd love to follow each other :3 let me know where you follow me, then i can follow you back :) much love!

  5. Wow, she is so cute! And oh gosh, I've always wanted a cake pop from Starbucks, but haven't caved in yet...maybe I will soon. XD
    Congrats on your new job - I hope it's amazing. :)

    ♥ x i x i a |

    1. Isn't she?!? She's so sweet. Oh you must do it! It's definitely worth trying. Thank you Xixia, I'll be sure to make it an amazing experience :) Have a great week!

  6. Good luck with getting back into the 9-5! Every now and then I miss the routine that it provides, so there's definitely that part to enjoy! :)
    Love the bag!! I have a bright orange Marc Jacobs bag too (except it's a tote). And that's an awesome score for $30! Good work :D Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

    1. Routine and following a schedule is definitely a great thing! Yes, Marc Jacobs- a steal, right? Thanks Rhi, hope all has been well with you! :)

  7. Getting back to a daily work schedule must be an adjustment, but your ability to adapt is great! Good luck with your new job! New experiences and friendships await!

    1. I gotta admit..after doing some of that traveling earlier in the year - I can definitely adjust to change with no problem. Third today and going strong! :) Thank you so much - - I'm looking forward to all of the new stories and great new people in my life.

  8. I LOVE this post, Cathy!! I'm so excited for you!! And, um, I finished reading the Happiness Project a few days ago. It. is. AMAZING. Best of luck at your new job, dear!

    1. Thanks Danie!! I hope California is treating you well! I keep hearing the same from everyone about the Happiness Project and more than half way done now. Thanks so much for your sweet comment!

  9. Hello dear,
    just found your blog and i think its really cool
    Followed you on GFc
    hope you follow back

    1. Aww thank you so much Brooklyn. I'll be sure to check out your blog! :)

  10. Congratulations on your new job. You look fantastic, and that bag is gorgeous. :)

    1. Thanks Ana! You're too sweet :) That bag is my favorite now :)

  11. Congratulations on the new job Cathy! And you look absolutely stunning in your new job photo! Gorgeous girl :) xo

    1. Ohh thank you Angie! Awwwww you make me blush. :) Hope your week is going well!

  12. Congrays on your new job you looked beautiful for your first day!! Your bag is great sometime its nice to change it up a little!

    1. Thank you thank you Tara! You're right about the change - - sometimes it just needs to happen..and can be so refreshing!

  13. I agree, nice pics and love your blog. I am the Biggest Smoothie fan, but I must say I have not tried peanut butter in one yet. How often do you add PB? I do variations in my smoothies, if you would like to read my post on my smoothies and how I remix them:) check my post called Smoothie Crush, Keep up the great work, love it!


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