{a Wistful Wednesday}

I'm ready to wake up from this dream that I've been living in for the past almost half year. Going on an extended traveling adventure can definitely confuse your definitions of 'dream' and 'reality'. I'm ready to wake up from a dream so I can craft what we call reality into another dream. I realized that dreaming isn't just for idealists anymore. It's for people who have hope, an imagination, and the desire to mold their world as need be. Today, on this wistful Wednesday, I'll be training for a new volunteer position, meeting up with an old dear friend to catch up on life over some tea or coffee, and if my gym has it - - maybe even a little late-night power yoga (or zumba) depending on my mood.

Don't ever forget that you are in control of your life. Write those thoughts down.
Do something that you wouldn't normally do on any other day just to see how strong you are ;)
Here's to a Wistful Wednesday! Wishing you the best! :)



  1. Replies
    1. Just a few of the images that have moved me over the past week.

  2. wow thanks for sharing this post!! I totally believe in the quotes and beautiful pics too :D

  3. This is a lovely post with very encouraging and inspiring words.
    Thank you for all of your continual sweet comments on my blog! They truly make my day brighter. xxxx

    1. Awww thank you for your encouraging words as well!! I'm glad the comments make you smile :) take care!

  4. With each post I read I'm even more and more glad that I met you :) Such a positive, inspirational person you are!

    xx, Ev

    1. Awww ditto!! I always look forward to your fun posts too! You are super motivating :) Have a blast in Malta for me! =)

  5. The dream like feeling is incredible isn't it? I take comfort in two things:
    1) If you can't believe it yourself and you're actually living it - It must be special.
    2) Even if your mind forgets it, you'll always carry the feeling in your bones.

    1. You're right about those two comments. That feeling when you are just taken away from the current state or moment you are in - - is soo nostalgic and special. Second, those experiences will always carry on even if the memories start to fade - they carry on in your bones, blood, and soul. Each day, I wake up knowing that my most recent adventure was real - - and it resides within me with each blog post, too!


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