Adieu...For Now.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable first week of May 2012. It was one of those weeks that carried just the right amount of fun, relaxation, excitement, and productivity. I'm still on this fabulous workout routine and was so lucky to receive an invitation to the gym (6 times!!) My health is better than ever so I am super grateful for that. Have spent lots of days & nights with a new friend (picture of her below walking by the trees as well as the "E" metro scene) so that is always good for the soul. Each year, Paris holds an event called the Foire de Paris which is essentially a massive exposition of things from toute le monde (around the world). You can find anything ranging from Asian-inspired home decor to rugs from Nepal to itty bitty corsets (no, I did not include the pictures of corsets below but the others I most certainly did).

The trees are as green as ever, and although the rain still occurs every once in awhile (it is Paris..), the flowers are in full bloom - - which means it is time for me to bust out my allergy meds. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the street photos of my week up to date. Until then, I'll be sorting through some things to get ready for:

New York, New York.



  1. Lovely pics... seems like you had an amazing time in Paris... I hope you have an easy flight to NY & I hope to talk soon. Love you miss Ly<3

  2. Aw thanks, dear! You're right, I loved Paris and Paris loved me. We need to catch up because of the many new chapters in our lives! Can't wait to see the baby girl one day. Love YOU Miss Ashlee.

  3. Oh Cathy, I hope you have a wonderful trip. I;m so glad you had an amazing time. xo

    1. Make the most out of everything is just one of my mottos in life. NY will be fantastic :) Thank you!

  4. the pics and the post are sooooo tempting!!! simply love em. no doubt u've been having a wonderful time. paris, the city of love, is worth falling in love with!!! May you have more such amazing interesting loving days :)

    1. It's difficult to have a tough time in Paris (even if it is cloudy/rainy). I fell in love with Paris many years ago through films and such :) Thank you for the positive energy, new friend!

    2. i feel the same about u!!! so thanks to you too :)

  5. so european. love it! tres chere.



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