Right Now {baring my soul to you}
Reading: After the Ecstasy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield; a book given to me by a special person in my life that cares a great deal for me. He knew that I would be embarking on a unique adjustment period especially after a long trip far far away from home, and this book discusses how to find peace in day-to-day activities. I haven't started it yet but definitely plan on doing so on this peaceful Sunday.
{I never finished the short stories by Ernest Hemingway and I am exactly halfway done with it; I always feel super guilty when I don't finish books but that's just the way it's going to be. I'm just too excited to read this new book!!}
Watching: I'm not sure if I told you this before but I have never been too big on television. If I watch anything, it's usually an episode of something funny such as the Big Bang Theory or Arrested Development. But, as of late, I've been watching a few flicks. The two that I have recently watched is Blade Runner and Howl's Moving Castle. Blade Runner is an excellent science fiction film that involves a robot assassin tracking down the last of the 'replicants' aka robots to save his society - - I must admit, I'm not usually a fan of science fiction films but this was well made and Harrison Ford was great in it.
Howl's Moving Castle is so cool!! Read the description here, an excellent animated film about a young woman's curse and the only way to break the spell is through her other interesting and cursed companions.
Working on & Thinking about: 1) My fitness, 2) My blog, 3) My relationships, and 4) Taking it Slooooowwww.
First, my fitness. After returning home from my trip abroad, I stopped working out for a few weeks. I'm not one for excuses but I have to say, it was just so nice to spend quality time with good friends over in the East Coast and not have to worry if the weather was going to permit my running or not. I'm proud to say that I'm getting back into the workout routine and it's mind boggling how challenging it gets when you stop for just a little bit. So, what finally reeled me back into an almost daily exercise routine? Small steps. Small goals. I would tell myself to just GO to the gym and work out for however long - - that was a goal accomplished in itself. Then, the next day I would tack on another 5 minutes to my workout and so forth.
Small goals WORK!
Second, my blog. I feel like it's been all over the place. Initially, my blog started out as a travel blog because of my trip - - but what happens when you come home and that's just not the sole focus anymore? The blog is in a transition period because I am as well. I'm working on revamping the overall look to reflect the person that I am today, planning my posts ahead and creating more consistency with it. In addition, I still plan on doing future giveaways and fun contests but for now, because I want to give you my very best content, it will take some more time. I appreciate your support and patience with me!
Third, my relationships. I finally turned on my cell phone! At first, I was a bit hesitant, a little scared. Of what? I'm not so sure. I was possibly associating the act of turning my cell phone on with the finalization of my trip and what some might say, 'getting back to reality'. For a long time, I was used to planning my day in advance and seeing what adventures lie ahead of me and now, the phone helps me out with that. I'm looking at my cell phone as an addition to my life, not a necessity. It helps me get in touch with others so much faster than email, and as a result, provide me more time with the people I care about the most.
Lastly, taking it slow. For the first week, I was trying to get everything in order too fast. I felt like I needed to to have my life in order as soon as possible. But then, I realized what for? Everything takes time. What's the rush? There's no rat race that I'm entering anytime soon. I'm here now with the people I love and that love me back. I'm doing what I can, day in and day out to adjust. I've learned to always take it at your own pace - - don't rush yourself. Life is never a race.
Anticipating: Building my whole life from scratch & fun summer trips to San Diego, Chicago, and Vegas with my girls in August!!
Listening to:
Eating & Drinking: Healthy while indulging in a traditional iced Vietnamese coffee. I also recently found this lovely place in downtown Phoenix that has tasty and healthy delicious wraps called That's a Wrap! I included a few photos below of my Lemon Tarragon Chicken Wrap! Yum!
Wishing: for a six pack. of Abs. But, other than that? Nothing else! I've got everything I need to keep on smiling!
What are you doing today on this delightful Sunday? Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
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