Gray Hues of NYC

After 7 hours from Paris to New York, a 20 minute bus ride from the airport to the train station, and a 30 minute train ride to my friend's place, I made it safely in Manhattan & a few blocks away from World Trade Center. Jet-lagged, tired, excited, and ready for fun. Even though I have traveled to the Big Apple many years ago, I have never taken a night stroll through the streets of New York before and that was one of the first few things I did upon arriving last night. This place definitely has its own vibe to it; cool, hip, 'with it', and downright upbeat.

The weather? It seems as if the weather in Paris followed me out here to New York as well. Rainy, foggy, and gray. Not a big fan of that but what can you do, right? Best thing to do is to go, go, go & stay dry - - and that's what I've done - Go. Already on my way to Portland, Maine (yes, it's raining there too) to visit another friend I have not seen in some time.

By the way, I'm still adjusting to the fact that I can understand everyone around me, read all the signs, and buy things from 24 hour stores. More on 'home-country-welcome-back-culture-shock' later. Right now, I'm going to pull on my eye mask, take a nice siesta to kill some hours on this Greyhound bus, and make the most out of this gray-hued day. Make it a good one, friends.

How is the weather over there for you? Do you like rainy days? Does weather affect your mood?

P.S. Thank you for the umbrella, Kyle. I'll be needing it in Maine and Rhode Island. Enjoy those crushed french cookies.

Source (last bottom right pic): Little Gems


  1. Welcome back to the states. If you get to make it down to Florida look us up. We would be happy to show you the boat life.

  2. Why, thank you!! It's nice to be back =) Ohh I have never been to Florida and hope to make it one day. I'll keep that in mind, would love to.

  3. hey! the weather in my city is reallyyyy hot, like we cant even step out during the day. but evenings are cool and the soothing. The waving green trees and beat of life makes up for the heat somehow. by the way i love the pics u upload with your every post. they add so much life to your words. keep posting!

    1. How hot are we talking here?? Whereabouts in India? I bet the evenings are so peaceful there. Thank you for your sweet words, it means a lot to me and is soo motivating. Will do! :)

    2. i live in chandigarh... the summers are in their full swing here


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