Some new things

Let's start with the most dramatic, shall we?
Photobucket This has been my hairstyle for the past 5+ years. Of course, I've had highlights in there on and off throughout the years but this is pretty much the gist of it. So, what was my deciding factor to FINALLY go short? For those of you with long hair, you know how the stray long hairs get EVERYWHERE - - I mean, somehow it will end up on the back of my skirt and it makes me wonder how long I've been walking around in public with a random hair plastered to my butt. Yeah, that's all it took for me to text my friend Hugh and booked an appointment over the weekend.. The action shot: Photobucket Ta-da! My new haircut, shoulder-length, slightly asymetrical in the front, and much more low-maintenance. I just love how much healthier it looks. What do you guys think? Photobucket
After seeing Wreck-it Ralph on Saturday, and after a lovely dinner (breaded cod, mashed potatoes, and cauliflower) made by my sweet Daniel, I taught Baby Girl how to make her first dessert, all by herself! Photobucket
Need an extremely easy kid-friendly no-bake dessert recipe? Guess how many ingredients it took. Photobucket Six? Nope! Photobucket
Five? Guess again.
Photobucket FOUR! Here's the recipe:

Easiest Chocolate Pie Ever:

Ingredients: 1 graham cracker crust, 1 container Cool Whip, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, Hershey's chocolate syrup (as desired).  Take first three ingredients, mix it together and when chocolate flavor is desired, pour all contents into the pie crust. Refrigerate for minimum 4 hours for it to set.

That's it! So little ingredients, so many smiles! It warms my heart to see her feel so proud of herself. Did you see that huge grin on the picture with the whipped cream on our noses? To die for.

Who else is working overtime to make that extra holiday cash? I've been staying at my work extra late and it helps to have a laid back boss. I couldn't imagine working more than necessary for a dingbat. Here's a picture of my current boss being serious:
I used to have a different boss not too long ago (1-2 months ago), and let's just say I would HATE to do any overtime with her still in the picture.

A Smartphone. Yup, that's right. I can finally experience the magic of 2012. It's only been three days since I've started using it and I still cannot believe I can connect to Pinterest anywhere. Texting is going to take getting used to. The picture on the left side below is on my wallpaper now:
Photobucket He looks so serious, right? A picture of us two when we saw Judge Dredd in 3D. On the right? A fun family picture inside of Red Robin on Halloween Night. Yes, that's the Statue of Liberty behind us. Yes, it's a fake one.

What's going on with everyone else out there? Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? I better start doing some early food shopping before it starts to get too crazy (I say that now but it seems like I still end up at the grocery store a few days to one day before). Who's down with the Black Friday deals? Have you been checking out Black Friday and seeing the insane discounts? I'm going all out this year with my running shoes, comfy sweats, and a detailed list of what to buy. It's just scary to hear about people getting shot, stabbed, and trampled on at the me the chills!

Have you started Christmas shopping? Are you ordering online or buying it at the stores as you go? Are you a fan of Black Friday? I can't wait to read your comments! 


  1. I love your new haircut it looks beautiful on you. I have black thick really long hair but I do not look good with short hair I do no think.

    1. Thank you so much Noor! I'm happy you like it! I loved my long hair but it was time for a nice change. I'm sure you would look nice with short hair, just depends on the type of cut to match your face shape :)

  2. A great haircut is the best feeling ever, and yours looks amazing :D

    1. Bailey! You're so sweet! It is an unbeatable feeling :) Thank you!

  3. thank you for your sweet words! I have been such a bad blogger these past few weeks but I plan on getting back in the groove of things!

    1. No worries! I still very much enjoyed your lady rules :) Have a good week and keep me posted on the next read. Thanks for commenting Kjo!

  4. Nice cut! I wish I had the courage to take that much off. As for Christmas shopping, I haven't started yet. I'm one of those last minute shoppers and I think I should fix that bad habit!

    Also, thanks for following! I'm following back now(:

    Lipstick & Lace

    1. Thank you! The time will come when it is right :) No problem, and a huge thank you back!

  5. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog and for the follow, I've returned the favor - Great pics btw!!

    She xx
    She may be the Song that Summer Sings

    1. You're so welcome :) And thank you for the kind words! The first pic of me came out a little pixelated lol!

  6. you look gorgeous either way :) haha thanks for your comments ohhh and we're your 200th follower yay

    Miranda M.

    1. Aww you're too sweet, Miranda. Wow, super exciting! Thanks so much!!

  7. Just stumbled upon your blog and I really enjoy it! Your haircut is adorable :) And I have never been brave enough to go shopping on Black Friday but I have been hearing about lots of amazing deals... it is quite tempting. Following you now!

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

    1. Your comment makes me smile. That's awesome you enjoy my blog! And thank you for the compliment, I think I am finally used to my short hair now! Keep in touch Ellie!

  8. Wow your new hair-do looks awesome! So beautiful!! :D XX

    I've been working SO many hours this week I totally get your meaning about overtime!!

    Happy love,


    1. Angie! You're a sweetheart, thank you so much!! I hear you girl, it's a tough gig but we are tough gals. Keep up the hard work as it will pay off! Such a pleasure hearing from you dear. Hope all is well!

  9. your hair looks fabulous!!! i have had my same hair style, for like 20 are inspiring!!!
    I made pudding pie last night for dessert..pudding and cool whip in a graham cracker crust...easy and yummy!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. Thanks!! Super easy, right? And tastes soo hard to make ;) Fantastic, looking forward to checking yours out too :)

  10. Your hair looks lovely, it takes real guts to have a dramatic cut! I went short when I was 15, and I've been growing it back every since, and after 3 years, it's nearly at the right length, yay.

    1. Beth, thank you for the compliment, truly appreciate it :) I was going back and forth on it for quite some time and it just feels so nice to have made a decision. Love the new do :) Hope all is well with you!

  11. Love the haircut! I've been thinking about doing the same thing, and this inspires me even more. Long hair on a sailboat ... probably not a good idea!

    Have a "Happy Thanksgiving"!

    1. Thanks!! Long hair on a sailboat should be just fine too! Wrap it up in a bun if it starts to get too wild right?

      Hey, have yourself a lovely Thanksgiving as well :)

  12. I love that cut! Your hair is so healthy too. I would also love having a boss like yours. He looks like a lot of laughs :)

    1. Thank you Marie! Yes, he ensures our whole environment is relaxed and we all just try to have fun, which encourages our productivity levels anyway! Thanks for commenting, you're always welcome back!

  13. omg I love your haircut! You seriously have some gorgeous hair!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Im your newest follower!! Looking forward to reading more about you.

    1. Sonya thanks!! No problem, I enjoy it! Same to you, have a good rest to your weekend!


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