Makeover Monday 22.0: 10 Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Source: Pinterest via Photo

This is where it matters the most. This is where lives are made, in these moments when you can choose whether or not to say 'I cant' or 'I can.' It is a choice that will either make or break you for life.

Jillian Michaels


You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'
Eleanor Roosevelt


Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln


To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Oscar Wilde


Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

Robert Brault

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

Viktor Frankl.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu


We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

Randy Pausch.


True friends stab you in the front.
Oscar Wilde


I failed my way to success.
Thomas Edison

The winner of the Blog Milk Giveaway is:
Congratulations! Please contact me and I will provide you with details. Happy Monday!


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it true? I'd rather have a friend be real with me than to stab me in the back any day.

  2. Lovely reminders of living in the moment and how to make sure your glass is half full, not empty :) I love the last quote by Thomas Edison because I believe that failure is key to success... The only things I've been successful at are those that I failed at first time around (and maybe second too!) hehe.. that's where 3rd time lucky comes into play :) xx Love and hugs to you Cathy! xx

    1. Same here Angie! It takes a couple times to fail to get it just right - - and that's okay! Hope you're staying warm out there in the UK and many hugs from the US! :)

  3. Hello Cathy!
    Your makeover monday posts make for the perfect start of my weeks. And this post is truly amazing in so many ways as it ventures to define some of the deepest emotions, feelings and virtues experienced by human mind. Thanks for sharing these beautiful quotes.

    And thank you so very super much for making me the winner of your fantastic giveaway which I had been lusting after from the moment I participated for it. Ana's blog theme designs are definitely the most beautiful creations. And I have plans to rejuvenate my blog and make it more regular. So I would like to have your advice and suggestions since you're my inspiration when it comes to blogging.

    Also I extend a heartful invitation to you to make a guest post on my blog once the new theme gets into place. If you accept the invitation, we can discuss the details soon!

    Love you lots lots lots!

    1. Savvy! I can't fully express to you how appreciative and grateful I am of your kind words. I'm still taken back even after replying to this a few days after..I can't wait to see the new layout of your blog and have been anxious to read more! Although I consider myself the opposite of a blogging expert, I may write a little bit about my tips as a new blogger :)

      I would love to guest post on Life Palettes. Just let me know when!

      Much love to you Savvy and will hear from you soon!

    2. I'll get to rejuvenating my blog in the beginning of December. Let's hope the new layout is installed by then. And thanks for accepting my invitation. Am sure the readers would benefit immensely from your post and it will be a complete honor for me to have you guest post on my blog.
      We shall discuss the deatils through mail :)

  4. Love the Oscar Wilde quotes as well!
    And thankyou for your comment and advice Cathy.
    I am following you now! Let's keep in touch! :)

    1. No problem Cashonya :) Looking forward to keeping in touch with you and hope this week is treating you well.

  5. Such a beautiful post, has really brightened my morning!! New follower! xx

    1. Thank you Georgia! That's so great to hear, that was my goal :) I'll be sure to keep things interesting around here hehe!

  6. great photo!

    - A.

  7. Great quotes! It's all about looking forward and being persistent.


    1. Persistence is important in life..builds stamina, character, and a true test if you really want something :)

  8. It's been too long since I've visited your rad space, Cathy!! I needed this so much right now. It's inspired me to just sit down and finish my final assignment (that totally wasn't due today or anything) :P - after I finish catching up on your space, of course! haha. Thanks for always injected so much joy and positive energy into the world :)

    I really hope you're doing fantastically :) Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

  9. Excellent quotes indeed and I can't stop myself from saying that image is wonderful. I've stunned for 2 minutes and just stared on that picture. Very incredible and hats of to photographer and that surfing lady for making that picture possible. Thanks.
    quotes on change


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