Counting down on Thanksgiving Eve

One more day before feasting on all sorts of yummyness. I'm starting to feel the holiday craze from doing my half of my Thanksgiving grocery shopping on my work lunch to making detailed Christmas lists (Black Friday and non-Black Friday items). While I'm running around like crazy, I want to take the time to remind myself and everyone reading this - - to SLOW down, and appreciate this wonderful craze going on. I love it. Are you busy busy busy too?

Oh, this is so cute. Sweet pilgrim girl!
What a happy girl with her beautiful bouquet of roses!

Slightly burnt pumpkin pie. Underestimated the power of my oven. I'm bringing this scrumptious pie over to our friend's pre-Turkey day tonight. Photobucket
I may just deem today the one day off I have from the Insanity workout this week and then get back into it hard first thing tomorrow morning (so that my body can burn off those calories faster throughout the day!)

Some fun links to get ready for Thanksgiving:

Would you deem this Vain or Efficient? Oy, the things some people do for looks..

I'm going to make this delightful tea for Thanksgiving.

I need marscapone for my Tiramisu but never thought of adding it in Pumpkin pie!!

Feeling unsure of what to make for Turkey day still? Fitnessista is here to save the day.

Quote of the week:

Are you working today? If so, who's out there counting down every minute? Where are all the crazies thinking about working out on Thanksgiving day? I hope I'm not alone on that... ;)


  1. it's definitely a very busy time, but we'll take Thursday and Friday to relax and take it all in :)

    you have a beautiful family by the way!! the Christmas tree photos are adorable

    Miranda M. | Pretty Squared

  2. I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving! Your family is GORGEOUS and I bet the pumpkin pie was great!

    The whole removing-toes thing freaks me out. I can't even wear heels because I have foot problems, but I can't imagine removing body parts for the sake of fashion!

    That spiced chai tea looks amazing :)

    Thanks so much for the follow! I'm following you back :)



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