10 Weekend Links & State Fair Photos

Some photos from the time we all went to the State Fair with Batgirl (aka Baby Girl) and Daniel. It's a good thing Funnel Cakes aren't made year round because I'd be eating that up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We did it all - - fun rides, strawberry funnel cake, and shooting water in a clown's mouth. However, there was one thing we missed out at the fair...deep fried butter sticks. Yes, this is real. And, yes they actually take sticks of butter and drop it into a fryer. Yum, right? Not so much.

I sure am going to miss my long hair. Oh yes, you heard right. After x amount of years of sporting long hair, I'm finally ready for the change. Appointment is booked and there's no going back. Pictures coming soon! I'm so excited for the weekend.

We have Baby Girl this weekend! And that means checking out that Wreck it Ralph movie, home-cooked breakfasts (strawberry filled crepes with chocolate drizzles), picking out flower seeds to plant, aaaaaand getting ready for the next giveaway. Stay tuned!


A fashion no-no in my eyes.
Simple and true.

25 ultra fashion tips to follow.

An extra sweaty workout.

Simple tips on how to look smart.

No excuses. Burn fat in 20 different ways.

New blogger? No problem. Great tips by Dani.

Food porn 1 and 2.

23  must-see caves before you die.

Did you enjoy the Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin? Check out her blog, it’s even more addicting.

What are your plans for the weekend? Are you seeing Wreck-it Ralph too? Does anybody have any kid-friendly dessert recipes? I'd like to have the Baby Girl bake something on her own so she can feel proud about it. Because I never had much experience baking or cooking as a little girl, I want to provide her with that feeling of accomplishment in the kitchen and feel proud of it. I'm thinking, no-bake pie with cool whip and chopped up strawberries, yes

And please. Please don't start your weekend without watching this video:



  1. How nice to go out to a fair! Looking forward to your new hairstyle!


  2. Glad to know you had fun! Am planning to complete a lot of pending work this weekend. And I mus say all the links you've shared contain some pretty handy info. Keep writing and keep sharing :)

    1. Thanks Savvy! I love links and sharing it with everyone here :)

  3. Ahh man I miss a good state fair. I loved going every year. Your so cute girl!


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