Makeover Monday 20.0

1. Life is too short to worry/stay angry/blame others/feel guilty/be powerless/let others tell you how to live. Pretend you just got news today is your last day to live. Act accordingly.

2. Anytime you start to feel stressed out, don't forget to laugh it off. Sometimes, it's crucial to not take life so damn seriously. 

3. Wake up, smell the flowers, drink some tea. And quit smoking cigarettes. I did on Friday and brought a ton of pistachios, gum, and will be doing dumbbell workouts on my 15 minute breaks. 

Happy Monday! Oh, and one more thing:

Enter my Blog Milk Giveaway before it ends.

Source for pictures: Pinterest via Cathy Trails


  1. Replies
    1. So happy you liked them. Have a great weekend Diana! Will be sure to like your page too :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! Love all the inspiration :) I'm now following!

    1. No problem Alisa! Happy you enjoyed them, we'll stay in touch now!

  3. your makeover monday posts are oh so nice and inspirational!!! they always lift my mood up :)

    1. Great!! That's always want to do, help lift people's moods especially when it comes to a Monday :) I hope you've been well, my friend.

  4. Cathy! Haven;t been by your blog ina little while and I totally missed your inspirational posts! Feels nice to be back!

Holly Foxen Wells


    1. Holly! It's nice to see you here. Glad to have you back, and hope life has been treating you with love and kindness!


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