A Bag of Joules worth seeing.

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I found Joules when I was just going down my unread posts in Bloglovin, when I came across these lovely beagle boots from one of my fave blogs.

A British brand that deserves more recognition in the States, Joules is a site that I can trust to provide feminine, simple, and fun styles.

What are some of your favorite Fall fashions? Scarves, boots, cardigans? Personally, I love browsing colorful scarves, adding more colors to my cardigan collection, and getting all bundled up in cute layers. I just hope that Arizona gets cold enough this Winter so I can wear Fall clothes without breaking a sweat!

Oh, and just in case you didn't know:

Walking Dead.

Season 3.

October 14th.

Oops! Got a little sidetracked there! Wishing you a fun, lovely, and memorable Thursday.

P.S. How often is the date 10/11/12 going to occur in our lifetime?


  1. Ooooh I love Joules. Yes us brits love Joules clothing. ... I've got my eye on a pair of their wellington boots for the winter rain!! xx

  2. This is the first time that I hear about this brand! Thanks for sharing.


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