Makeover Monday 18.0: Dare to Fail

Don't be afraid to fail. Because if you failed, you know you have tried. It's when you don't try at all, is when you truly fail.
Make yourself proud today. Imagine yourself in the future looking back at you now, feeling proud. Let that vision be a source of motivation for you.
Don't worry about the details or the 'what-ifs', assumptions about what could happen or couldn't happen. Let go, enjoy the moment, and don't wish for more. Love your life for what it is right at this moment.
Why fuss about it if this is the only life we have, anyway?

So, you tell me.

How are you going to live today?

Source for motivational quotes: Pinterest via Wisdom Board


  1. Thank you for giving me inspiration today. I was in a real need for it today. :)

    1. Aw no problem Ana! I hope Monday turned out great for you :)

  2. really nice and inspiring! have a good week :)

  3. Love these inspirational posts! It's true, we worry far too much and don't take enough action.


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