Today is my Birthday

28 years ago from today, I was born in California, USA. And man, oh man, it has been an adventure. Yesterday, while working, I was reflecting on the past 27 years of my life when it hit me, "Today is the last day I will be 27 - - ever. What do I want to do for my last day and night of being 27?"

For the first time in my life, I didn't want to be anywhere else but here. Even when I was told to make a wish while the candle was lit on top of my ice cream bowl, my mind went blank - - and didn't wish for a single thing. Is this what true happiness is? Or did I just encounter wisher's block? I'd like to think it was the latter :)

In addition, I received a sweet email from a fellow blogger buddy wishing me a happy birthday. Her name is Angie from Dishes Undressed. She made an awesome Pinterest board called Happy Birthday Cathy, and pinned all the things she thought I would love. Let's just say, she knows me well. Here is a glimpse of the board:
Thank you Angie.

So how did I spend my last night of being 27? In the most amazing way ever. My boyfriend made me one of my favorite meals, his famous chicken tacos. It was a chicken taco massacre (pretty sure I killed at least 6 tacos) while watching Walking Dead. It doesn't get any better than that. Oh, but there's more! Much more! Below is a glimpse of my phenomenal pre-birthday weekend bonanza:

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In case you're wondering, yes that's Justin Beiber on a cupcake. I thought I would add this photo because I couldn't believe these were at work.

To properly wrap up my 27 years, I thought I would share 27 things I am truly grateful for, especially during this past year of my life: 

1. Starting a relationship with the love of my life and my best friend.

2. My health and only getting sick once while traveling.

3. Traveling for 5 months.

4. Obtaining my Master's degree.

5. My mother who isn't afraid to tell it like it is.

6. My father who will always look at me as his little girl.

7. My younger brother and how proud I am of him.

8. My blog and seeing the progress.

9. Starting a workout plan and sticking to it for more than 3 months.

10. Found a job after coming back from traveling.

11. Couch surfing and finding out the world is kind.

12. Making new friends across the world through the blogging community.

13. The precious relationship I have with my boyfriend's daughter.

14. My car that continues to function after so many years.

15. Having the guts to quit a full-time job to travel the world.

16. Having the guts to return from traveling the world, and starting all over again.

17. Finally understanding the saying, "If it's meant to be, it's meant to be."

18. Getting to know my extended family in Vietnam, and learning about my history.

19. Coming home to my own bed after many months of couchsurfing abroad.

20. Learning more about myself each and every day.

21. The power behind telling someone "I love you" in person after being away for several months.

22. Free filtered water in a to-go cup at any Starbucks. Is this only in America?

23. Burt's Bees grapefruit flavored chapstick.

24. Getting along great with my boyfriend's mother.

25. Knowing that I can do the best that I can, and if I fail, it's okay. In fact, it's more than okay. (I think I just barely got the hang of this a week ago)

26. I'm going to have to say it. Pinterest. It's just so much fun and great for inspiration.

27. Being alive to type this out and having the guts to share my 27 things I'm grateful for to friends, strangers, and whoever comes across this blog. Thanks for listening and wish you a happy birthday when it comes around. Don't be shy- leave a comment.

(28). Comments. I'm grateful for those too. I know I said I would only share 27 things so that's why I put parentheses around #28.

Have a happy Tuesday, loves!


  1. Happy belated birthday, darling! I'm so happy you had a wonderful time. You look STUNNING and that JB cupcake is so hilarious. I love that kid.

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have an awesome day! And all that food looks so so good!

  3. Happy Birthday lady!! Hope you will have a year filled with laughter, love and happiness.

  4. Happy Birthday Cathy! I LOVE your list ... you do have quite a lot to be grateful for. =)

  5. Happy B'day again Cathy! So glad you liked the Pinterest Board! And the photos look so cute and colourful just like your new blog layout. I hope your 28th year is Awesome!!! xo

  6. Happy birthday! Hope you are having the best day and I agree with your entire list. Especially number 23. I am a sucker for grapefruit chapstick.

    Hannah from I am a lifestyle blog

  7. Awww you all made my day. It's been a fantastic birthday even though I'm at work! I so appreciate all of your comments and know that I love every one of you! I hope your day is just as amazing :)

  8. Am so glad to know that you have such wonderful reasons to be happy and the best part is that you have earned all 28 of these on your own through your love, hard work, faith and believe. Happy birthday once again!!!

  9. I hope you had a happy birthday! Wish you all the best!
    Merrily Merrily,


  10. Happy Birthday gorgeous. I love that you had no wish. I think it means you are content and happy with everything in your life. I wish you an amazing year beautiful!

Holly Foxen Wells


  11. Ah man, first I was too early and then I missed it!! Oh well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHY!! Looks like a grand birthday weekend - there is so much good food!! Glad you had a great time :) I really enjoyed your 27 (28) things :) Hope you have a grand 28th year!! Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

  12. Awe sorry I missed your birthday!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Looks like you had a great day. Wishing all the best in your 28th year.
    That's so nice of Angie to do make that Pinterest board.
    -Michelle {LiveLoudly}


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