4 Simple Goals Before 2013

After reading A Beautiful Mess: 4 Simple Goals (before 2013), and realizing the year 2013 is lurking around the corner, I got an ah-ha moment. You know, the feeling you get after something striking a distinct chord in you. To be honest, I've been so wrapped up with my new job (1 month since I started) what with adjusting to the new schedule, meeting new faces, accomplishing work goals, and essentially doing my best to drive myself nuts and get into the tendency of over perfecting every aspect of my new job...I almost forgot that the year is getting close to an end.

Let's just say, that post gave me a much needed perspective. We have a little over 3 months left of 2012 to cherish. Is there anything you haven't accomplished this year yet? How about a reverse New Year's resolution and create 4 simple goals, blog about each one, and have December 31st, 2012 be our deadline?

You in? Great. Me too. Here are the rules:

1. Choose simple goals that will make you happier. Nothing too crazy like, "Find a six figure income by the end of the year" but rather "Tell a stranger hello everyday" or "Exercise twice a week".

2. Do not make your goals results-oriented like "Get a promotion". Opt for action-oriented goals like "Find a mentor you respect and have a weekly meeting".

3. Make it personal. Ask yourself, 'does this goal add value to my life?'

4. Reward yourself to maintain the motivation. Give yourself credit!

5. Share it with all of us by blogging about it. You can either blog about each goal as you accomplish it and/or create a post about accomplishing all of them!

Let's do this! Here's mine:
1. Try a new workout routine each week. I am proud to say I have been consistently working out the whole summer. However, I have found that it is easy to do the same exact workout routine for months and months. What does that mean for my body? Plateau. Big time. I'm not challenging my muscles as much as I used to and feel by accomplishing this goal, I'll get stronger and feel more fit. I love checking out what Fitnessista is up to because she always has fun new workouts in store.
2. Eat a veggie, everyday. When I reflect on my eating habits, it's vegetables that I am slacking on. We all know how good vegetables are for us - - as snacks, lunches, dinners, anytime really. I vow to eat at least one type of vegetable each day. (Today, I had a huge chicken salad...lettuce counts, right?)
3. Read a book, monthly. It makes me happy to know that I am expanding my mind in a purposeful manner, and don't ever want to stop this healthy mental habit. I feel smarter. More alert. I'm currently working on two books right now, one is a self-help, the other is a fun and witty collection of essays. I'll be sure to blog about those soon!
4. Snap a photo, everyday. I find that it's easy to get mixed up in your days, especially working long hours the way I have been. I'll admit, it was easier to take a picture, everyday, when I was traveling simply because there was always something new to look at. A new building, new people, churches, landscapes. But I'm also a firm believer that you can find beauty, lovely images from everyday life. And I'm going to do that.

Your turn. What are your goals for the rest of this year?


  1. This is a great idea. I should start thinking about my goals!


    1. Thank you, Ana! If you write about it, let me know - would love to read yours :)

  2. These are such great points to aspire to. Keeping it simple makes them that much more achievable while giving you that boost. :)

    ♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

    1. Absolutely. After reading that post in A Beautiful Mess, I felt super inspired and had to share this with everyone. Something clicked when I read about goals being more action-oriented rather than results-driven. When we focus on the present actions, those end results should naturally follow. You're right, when it's simple - it's more realistic and motivating too!

  3. good idea! i will set some goals too for the rest of the year!


  4. I love these! So simple & achievable, yet motivating. I found your blog a while ago and couldn't get enough of your inspirational posts, specially Makeover Mondays. I'm now doing them on my blog occasionally, referring to you and this blog, so I hope you don't mind! Just wanted to say hi as a relatively new subscriber and thank you for your blog!



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