How I Keep it Spicy..

I'm not sure if you all are ready for this. I mean, on a scale from's gotta be...

an 11. I almost had to close my eyes, hold down my other hand, and slowly use my mouse to click on the big Publish button.

But before I share my spicy tip, I want to give you a proper background before I lay this one down. Remember those Cosmopolitan magazines you used to read (or still read while standing in line at the grocery store - making sure the cover is facing down to avoid public scrutiny - - totally me)? Personally, I still like to see if this magazine has come up with any fresh material on pleasing a man or becoming your best to get a man or... (insert action item + to get/keep/attract a man/men). I've always wondered to myself, 'Is it really that complicated? I mean, are humans that complex that we need to read about the how-to strategies on attracting a mate in a magazine each month??'

So, you know what, Cosmopolitan? I'm going to tell anyone who is reading this now - - one of the best ways to keep things "spicy", "hot", "interesting", "intriguing", and/or "new" is:
To Be Yourself!

Yup. That's it. If you're silly like me, you might appreciate the following surprises I did for my boyfriend. However, if you're not the type of person to write silly random notes and hide them in unexpected places - you don't have to. It's just what I like to do - so I use my personality to keep things fun.

Exhibit A:
He thought it was the funniest thing finding a mini review on a new cereal we bought together. Krave - - it's a hit.

Exhibit B:
That's right. It was our 11 month anniversary yesterday. One month away from being together a whole year! We celebrated by getting Chinese takeout and watching an independent movie called Bernie (w/ Jack Black and Matthew Mick-con-a-hay...I seriously can't spell his last name and don't feel like Googling it). With the weather looking like this all day and night:
Paired with the Spicy chicken noodle soup from one of our favorite Chinese restaurants, and snuggling up while watching a dark comedy - - it was the best 11-month anniversary I could ever ask for. 


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