sweet June.

So far, June has been pretty amazing. I've been soaking up tons of rays (I live in Arizona), being present everyday, and cheating on my diet (but only in the best way possible). I find that the only time I allow myself a sweet treat like a cupcake or over the top decadent chocolate milkshake (see pic below), is when I'm spending quality time with a young friend. I've realized that I shouldn't feel too guilty when I partake in these yummy snacks - - especially when I'm fully conscious of how I'm treating my body afterwards. The day I drank down that delicious milkshake, I made sure I ate a nice light meal afterwards followed by a feel-good workout at the gym.

There's no need to feel down on yourself. Treat yourself right. I find that balance is the key to happiness.

Would you agree with that?

P.S. Can you believe I have never seen Pulp Fiction before? I'm going to watch it today and see what I've been missing out on after all these years. Have a lovely weekend everybody!
Pinterest via Chelsea Nicole   
Pinterest via Laura Hammond 
Pinterest via Gab Welch
Pinterest via Laura Hammond
Pinterest via Övgü Türe
Courtesy of Dennis Ly 


  1. I've never seen it either, you'll have to let me know if it's worth the watch!
    Dreams In A Poppy Field...

    1. So far, so good! A very engaging film with some bad-ass characters!

  2. I watched it at the cinema a long time ago. Let us know how you like it.

  3. hii
    I loved your post soo fabulous

    1. Hi Sabrina, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Have a good rest to your weekend :)

  4. I LOVE the Pulp Fiction Print and Ice Cream Sundae - so cute! Balance is definitely the key to success in life! :)

    1. I saw that Pulp Fiction print shortly after taking a photo of my milkshake. Crazy! Yes, I strive for balance even when it's a challenge, super important.

  5. I was talking to my brother about balance earlier! Life is almost like a big balancing act which is kind of fun :D Especially when it means, as long as you use self-control afterwards, you can enjoy scrumptious thinks like crazy chocolate milkshakes :D Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

    1. I agree with you about self-control and discipline. And I'm not saying it's always going to be easy but we have to keep striving for balance.

  6. Love your post! You have such a nice blog!


    1. Thank you for your kind words Men Trend! I like yours too and just finished leaving you a comment :) Come back soon!

  7. Sweets are my guilty pleasure in life. I can't get enough of them, especially cupcakes! I do the same thing that you do- counter the sweet goodies with super healthy meals, lots of water, and lots of yoga! When you do that, you kind of earn the right to a sweet treat at least once a day, right??


    1. I know what you mean, I used to do a lot of baking (cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc) and it was so tough to hold myself back sometimes. I don't do much baking these days to avoid the guilt trip lol! It sounds like you definitely earn a sweet treat when you incorporate healthy habits like that!

  8. What a great selection of pictures! Thanks for following me. I followed you back with pleasure ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

    1. Thank you, Diana! These were just a few images that made me smile and thought I'd share it with everyone. No prob! Have a fabulous week :)


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