Poolside motivation.

We came up with M.M.A.P.

Make Myself A Priority.

Listed out small tasks we wanted to complete this week that relate to our long-term goals.

Listed role models for each sector of important areas in our lives such as career and health.

{Example: I deemed Jillian Michaels my role model for my Health section.}

And most importantly, hold each other accountable by checking in with one another. To support one another.

Sometimes, it takes fun programs and plans or schemes to reach your own definition of success. Sometimes it doesn't.

What motivates you to reach your own level of success? Friends? Role Models? Positive Affirmations?


  1. love the new layout--and the menu on the right with all the countries. thanks!

  2. A motivation session at the pool sounds like fun! I love your idea of listing out small goals & role models, and I'm inspired to do just the same. I think supporting one another is one of the best ways to achieve your goals, at least it is for me :) I love your sunglasses by the way!

    1. Absolutely. We both decided it would be better to hold each other accountable to see real results. Oh, and those sunglasses - officially lived its last day today ~ haha! Time for a new pair!

  3. This sounds like such a great idea! Great blog :) I'll be reading! Rhi xx

    The Wildest of Dreams

    1. We thought so too and going to check in with each other to make sure we're getting it done. Thanks for visiting, glad you enjoy it :) Will be checking out yours!


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