Little things I'm Grateful For

This was what my past weekend looked like.

A dry martini with scallops, cold + rainy, plenty of hot tea, an Arizona Christmas, and lots of quality time with the people I love.

I can't tell you how grateful I am to be here right now, typing this up, breathing, and feeling safe at home. My heart still breaks for the children in Connecticut. We all have to be strong for them - - my thoughts & prayers go out to the affected families.

Many, many clouds in the sky where we ate breakfast. Photobucket
Love the sunglasses but love that woman behind me more. Photobucket
Arizona Christmas. Photobucket
A mug I gave to him last Christmas. I threw it away because of that chip. I miss it. Photobucket Basset literature. Photobucket
Scallops and martini with my love. Photobucket From the previous weekend, written by my two loves at the Fried Chicken restaurant. Photobucket Right outside one of our favorite restaurants. Scarf buddies! Photobucket


  1. Gorgeous pictures! The scallops look delicious... I laughed at the pic of you in sunglasses and the woman behind you!

    xx Ellie 

  2. All the pictures are very pretty. It's so nice to know that you're having a wonderful time with your loved ones. No place safer than home! My heart goes out to the children's affected families too. The incident that happened with them is indeed tragic and sad. Anyways have a great Christmas!

  3. happy holidays!! great pix

  4. Ha I always hate when strange people get in the photos. We were at the zoo taking pictures of my son and some kid just came up and started posing by him we were like ugh lol.


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