Another Day at Home

I'm in love with each and every second of my days. As Gretchen Rubin from the Happiness Project would say, "The days are long but the years are short". After reading her latest book Happier at Home, this line continues to permeate my days and nights. Although I am truly grateful for each moment I am alive - - I feel time still flies by so quickly.

I have TONS of fun holiday photos to edit through and can't wait to share it all with you. The holiday spirit continues to linger in the air at the house. I still can't believe I woke up thinking I had work today and if I hadn't texted my boss - - I would've been that overly committed new worker that doesn't know how to take a break. So yes, the saga continues as the day has been filled with jamba juice, shopping, decadent brunches, and precious quality time.

How did you spend your 86,400 seconds so far? I'd love to hear how you spent your holidays!


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