And the winner is...

But before I announce the winner to my Revlon Giveaway, I want to tell you about something I am really proud of. Below is a picture of me right after doing the insanity workout AFTER a happy hour event. In other words, I worked out after having 1.5 vodka sodas and consuming some not so healthy food choices (i.e. onion rings, nachos, indian fry bread...bleggghh)
I still can't believe I did that. Working out was honestly the last thing I wanted to do but I told myself unless I throw up, I'm going to do my best. Have you ever tried working out after drinking alcohol or eating heavy foods? It's not fun.
A glimpse into how I chose the lucky winner at work. 'Err, what's that centipede doing there?', you might ask. Rest assured, it's plastic and very fake. I bought a whole pack of rubber centipedes at the Halloween store in October and started this thing where I would hide it in random places in the house to freak out my boyfriend. It's December now and we're still hiding those centipedes EVERYWHERE.

The best part?

It ended up in my coworkers' hair for a whole hour before she realized it!
So, who's the winner??

11. Lulu Thursday, November 29, 2012 2:34:00 AM MST

Congratulations! I'll be emailing you shortly to provide you with details. For those that did not win, don't be sad. They'll be another giveaway soon so stay tuned! Have a lovely Wednesday!


  1. Great job on keeping up with your workout, Cathy! I've worked out shortly after eating a huge cheesesteak from Jersey Mike's once, and it definitely didn't feel good. I've decided I'm not going to do that again! Lol.

    Congratulations to Lulu! :)


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