9 of the Most Fascinating Links, Happy Monday!

I just love Marion Cotillard. Something about her just screams class and chic, right? Remember her when she was Rachel from The Dark Knight Rises? Exceptional.

Can you anyone give me advice on how to run a mile in 10 minutes or less? I came SO close last week (just a 4-5 minutes shy) but felt like my heart was about to explode. If you have accomplished this, then I applaud you with ALL of my might and hope you can share your secrets with me!

Look, I know the weekend is almost over but I couldn't miss out on sharing some of my greatest findings on the web from this past week.

Don't miss out on any of the links below! I certainly hope this weekend has treated you nicely and can't wait to share more posts with you guys this upcoming week!

Not a huge fan of paper planners or calendars? Get organized online by visiting Altitude Summit's site. A goldmine.

The problem with Men's Health Magazine. An interesting read that made my right eyebrow arch up! 

Does multi-tasking save time or actually counter-productive? Huffington Post has all the answers. 

Seriously, my new favorite blog that I can spend hours on. It's called The Art of Less Doing

The 80/20 Rule from The Art of Less Doing. 

Been finding yourself NOT sticking to exercise plans? Not to fear! Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project Blog suggests asking yourself these 11 KEY questions before starting an exercise routine.

A healthy and beautifully crafted way to spice up your chicken over at the Blog Milk!  

I'm in love with this outfit from the MlovesM blog. 

Last but not least, the definition of True Love from the Elephant Journal blog. 



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