3 Things I loved about our Valentines' Day

This year's Valentines' Day was very special indeed. Why, you may ask? 3 reasons.
Photobucket Reason #1

Because it was our very first Valentine's spent together...in the same country, state, city, and house! Photobucket Reason #2

The special appearances from this whale and owl. PhotobucketReason #3

Out of all of the Die Hard movies...Die Hard 5 was my first one ever on Valentine's day.

Although we spent Valentine's day apart from each other last year.. Photobucket It was still ultra special because of the things we did for each other... Photobucket To show one another how strong our love is. Photobucket
I hope you had a special Valentine's day with your loved ones. What were some of your favorite things about Valentine's day? Do you and your loved ones share a special tradition?


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