8 Things I'm Loving These Days

 Hi everyone!

Here is your weekly dose of the "8 things I'm loving these days".

1. What I’m watching —

Aggretsuko Season 3 on Netflix. Oh yes. Never have I ever related to a red panda so much - - the corporate office culture, the stress, pressure, anxiety and just trying to make it day by day all while going to a karaoke bar some nights to let out some steam. Brilliant. 

2. What I found useful —

Is your computer's desktop crowded with unnecessary and forgotten screenshots? My coworker showed me THIS and I feel like such a sophisticated adult for using it. Even better is that this trick on MAC computers took only 2.5 seconds to clean up my desktop. 

3. What I’m listening to —

Tim Heidecker's Nothing song. He's one of my favorite entertainers and a creative genius of comedy. Ever heard of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job? It's ridiculous stupid...so stupid that I LOVE it and has become an integral part of my life. He also played a small role, the best friend's husband, in the movie Get Out. He has been dabbling in music and I must say, I am impressed and have listened to his new song many many times already. Check it out!

Tim Heidecker Nothing

4. What I’m looking forward to —

Ricky Gervais finished writing the screenplay for the 3rd season of After life and I can hardly contain the excitement that's been bubbling up from the depths of my soul! 

5. What I’ve added to my beauty routine —

My new favorite beauty product I started using and after only using it for just 1 week, I'm already noticing positive results. It's a serum that I use only once a day after washing my face and worn underneath my moisturizer. Full transparency, I've struggled with eczema on and off throughout my life and am very sensitive to most products. Therefore, when I found this serum, tried it, and the fact that it actually IMPROVED my skin made me SO freakin happy. 

6. What I randomly did —

I photoshopped THIS for Clyde the Basset and the #FlyClydeChallenge challenge. I would do it again in a heartbeat. 

7. What I might watch on Hulu —

I came across this movie and I am intrigued. I don't believe I've watched anything with Andy Samberg as the lead but I've always enjoyed his goofy music videos. PLUS, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes gave Palm Springs decent ratings so I had this bookmarked and ready to go when the night is right.

8. What I've been thinking about —

This quote...

"The most overlooked and under appreciated growth strategy is patience." ~ James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

Lately, I've been feeling quite restless and more often than not, seeing results from the things that I've been doing fairly consistently and for some time. I want to see things grow, flourish and succeed but I forget that I need to continue to invest time into it, always. So when I came across this quote, it calmed me and reminded me that it's okay that things...projects...results or whatever you might be working on may not have growth...yet. And, that's the key word, "yet". Because with time and patience and consistency, that "yet" will one day, transform to a success. 

I'd love to hear your feedback on Twitter or from your comments below. What are some things you might be pondering this week? Did you have a favorite from this list? What do you want to read more about or less about? I'd love to know. Send a tweet to @cathytrails and hope to connect with you soon!


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