Another Monday in the Books
Happy Tuesday! Doesn't it feel so GREAT to know that we have Monday behind us now? That the week is already moving along with one day closer to the weekend?
I think most people would describe me as a positive and optimistic person. For the most part, I agree. But I don't super love Mondays. So, why do I feel bad typing that out? I HATE MONDAYS. Ugh.
A part of me is like, 'Cathy! You are alive, you should love ALL DAYS including Monday. Stop being a brat.'
But man, I really do love the weekends. And when Sunday around 4pm creeps up, those Sunday Scaries really get the best of heart starts beating faster, I think about all my upcoming calendar appointments, the favors/requests I have to return throughout the week starting on Monday and the "professionalism" outfit I need to put on, inside and out....well, technically just inside because (insert slow drumroll) we can wear jeans everyday now (GASP!..followed by eyeroll)
To me, Monday represents a thief. A slow and conniving thief. It slowly snatches your weekend away until you're left with nothing but a suit and briefcase and ready to service others. I mean, that's cool and all but can't I just have ANOTHER day to binge watch Dead to Me or ANOTHER night to order in my Harry Potter shaved ice from the local ice cream dude? Please. No? Sigh...okay, let's do this then.
Between Sunday and Monday, I feel like I go through this metamorphosis. Like from Ursula to Vanessa in Little Mermaid. I better find clothes that actually hide certain parts of my body and comb my hair so it goes in one direction, walk upright and make eye contact with people. The prepping - - it's very important. And most importantly, keep my real thoughts stashed away in a little shell necklace or whatever Vanessa had.
But you know, once I actually get to my office - - I'm greeted by some of the nicest people. They're so chipper, so grateful. They ask about how my weekend was and I return the favor by asking them about theirs, and I learn some new the lady who wrote Big Little Lies (I guess that lady writes a lot of great books that I'll need to check out) and then someone from my work got a big 150 ft tarp from Home Depot and did a giant slip n' slide to celebrate his kid's birthday (very creative and sounds like SO MUCH WORK!).
I guess what I'm saying is...every time I work myself up on Sunday night about how awful Monday is going to be honestly never is that awful after all.
Am I just a brat?
Am I ungrateful?
Either way, it's another Monday checked off so I can work for the weekend and then hopefully by next Sunday, I reread this blog post to remind me that Monday isn't as evil as my mind makes it to be. 🙃
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