Strange & Beautiful Surprises

Even though it was only 64F, a bit windy, and periodically wet - - I have not seen warmer weather in some time in the City of Romance aka Paris. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of the peeking sun and unpredictable skies, take an afternoon stroll, and enjoy whatever caught  my eye. My first destination was the Jardin du Luxembourg, which I've been to before in the winter time but this time, it was much more stunning what with the Spring flowers blooming! After slowly wandering around the garden, I didn't really have a destination in mind but rather, wanted to follow my instincts and see where it led me. Finally, I ended up in the Shakespeare and Company bookstore near the Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the coziest and inviting bookstores I've ever been to in my life (while finding some of the strangest figurines as well!). Even after being in Paris for more than a few weeks now...the strange beauty of all still moves me!!


(Best attempted self-portrait right before sneezing)


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